I became an ambassador for Coffee Cup Software before my page was even on the web. I help promote Coffee Cup Software and attempt to help people to make their web pages better. My page is still growing, and I am still learning myself....
Paul castoe returned once again as construction manager. I once again returned to provide special effects and technical assistance. This was quite a challenge. I was asked to create the magic mirror. This effect was created in the following manner: We first borrowed a $30,000 dollar Sony rear projection television. We built a flat that would fly in and looked like a large wall with a frame on it. This flat sat directly in front of the screen. A platform was built to raise the screen up. When in place, it looked like a wall with a mirror hung on it. We also borrowed a very expensive camera and tripod. The camera was set up in a back room facing a wall covered with black material. Our actor sat on a bar stool, wearing face makeup and a black outfit. With the camera on, the actors face could be seen on the large screen.